安迪 is 可用 租用
雇佣 安迪


验证专家  in 产品管理



安迪's been collaborating with visionary and creative teams to make ideas happen for over 15 years. 他在Pro-Audio推出了一个DJ品牌, 在数字广告领域担任项目经理, 在谷歌担任制作人, 红牛 as a digital manager and founded a digital product design studio. 他已经引导了100多个网络, 移动, and IoT projects and specializes in designing and delivering against strategic MVP roadmaps to validate ideas.


Led and managed the design and 开发ment of a complex AR-powered wellbeing app.
按下Peroni | IoT按钮
Led the design and 开发ment of a prototype Amazon Dash-style "beer" button field-tested with 200 beta testers.
Successfully led a challenging brand partnership project between 谷歌 and Sainbury's to tackle food waste in the UK.




  • Oversaw and directed the delivery of a variety of digital products, 服务, and experiences for well-known brands and lesser-known startups.
  • 管理产品和项目.
  • 根据战略性MVP路线图设计和迭代.
  • 发展业务.


2018 - 2018
  • 师从D&AD's creative startup school helping young and ambitious entrepreneurs shape their ideas, 设计他们的品牌, 构建mvp, 并计划执行和资助他们的想法.
  • 帮助设计课程计划.
  • 创造了很多学习内容.


2012 - 2014
  • Oversaw and was responsible for the delivery of a brand partnership product launch between 谷歌 and Sainsburys (grocery) to use technology to tackle food waste.
  • 指导和协调团队.
  • 测试产品并生成开发反馈.


2012 - 2013
  • Managed the F1 teams' digital marketing channels and campaigns while they looked to hire a full-time manager.
  • 领导新粉丝网站的需求收集工作.
  • Oversaw the design, management, and delivery of the new web platform.


2010 - 2012
  • Worked as a project manager on digital advertising and marketing campaign projects.
  • Worked as a contract senior digital producer at Tribal DDB, TBWA /龙舌兰酒, 主人, 劳, 还有悉尼的三只醉猴子.
  • Was contracted at Mother, Agency Republic and Work Club in London.
  • Worked on brands such as Volkswagon, 谷歌, YouTube, Adidas, BBC, Mercedes, and Bankwest.


2005 - 2007
  • 支持, 半职业DJ的身份, 产品开发部负责设计, 开发, 并测试一系列新的数字DJ混音器.
  • Worked in the marketing department on digital 项目管理, advertising, and events.
  • Collaborated with ambassadors to test and feedback on the products we were designing.
  • 在零售网点进行调研.


推出了自己的应用产品, 现在有250个,000 users and has been featured by Apple in over 27 countries.

I worked with my business partner to scratch an itch that we had, the troublesome problem of losing photos we had taken in our camera roll. NINE app lets you organize your pictures in nine categories: things to do, 看到, 买, 去, 看, 听, 等等....... Built for visual thinkers who use their camera as a way of remembering things they want to take action on—NINE lets you capture quickly, 组织简单, 很容易找到.

在我们把产品推向市场之后, Apple featured it in best new utility apps across 27 counties, 帮助它达到250,000用户,并仍在增长.


Led the design and 开发ment of an innovative startup investment platform MVP that raised $1M to 开发 the full product.

由于保密协议, I can't disclose much else except that I was highly involved in the requirements gathering, 设计用户体验, 领导开发团队, and providing ongoing support and improvement iterations.


Led and managed the design and 开发ment of a complex AR-powered wellbeing app.

因为保密协议, I can't disclose much else except the app is due to go into clinical trial after next round of funding, and that I played a crucial role in moving the product 开发ment forward along the roadmap.

按下Peroni | IoT按钮

Led the design and 开发ment of a prototype Amazon Dash-style "beer" button field-tested with 200 beta testers.

亚马逊Dash刚刚发布, and Peroni wanted to investigate what it would take to 开发 their own IoT button product. They wanted to give their users a way to make sure that whenever they ran out of good beer that it would get replaced by whoever managed their online grocery shopping.

The button enabled users to connect to their WiFi and online grocery account and pick the type of beer product they wanted when pressed. 它有几个LED状态,一个支持应用程序和一个网站.

My role was to manage and direct the project team liaising with product design, 项目管理, 客户, 而客户.

This was a project delivered by 的想法了, the digital product studio I founded.


Successfully led a challenging brand partnership project between 谷歌 and Sainbury's to tackle food waste in the UK.

I arranged a series of strategic and creative workshops to ideate a solution to the problem that over 50% of food in the UK is wasted. The answer was a web app powered by 谷歌 voice search that enabled users to speak the ingredients they had leftover in their cupboards and get quality recipe ideas in return so they could rescue the food from the bin. We also created a platform and community hub was to track how much food was being saved around the country via a leaderboard.

It was a large team across both companies and several agencies with many legal and logistical challenges which I pushed through to launch the product successfully spawning a whole new community of 食物 Rescuers for Sainsbury's.
2017 - 2017

AltMBA Degree in Business Administration (Online Leadership and Management Workshop)

Seth Godin的altMBA -远程

1998 - 2002




Trello, Asana, OmniGraffle, Slack, Basecamp, Xero, 谷歌 Docs, Skype, Jira, Microsoft Project


敏捷产品管理, Scrum, 看板, User Testing, Augmented Reality (AR)


医疗保健、食品 & 饮料、汽车


最小可行产品(MVP), 数字化产品管理, 产品管理, 项目管理, 网络平台, 业务分析, 需求, 产品策略, 产品路线图, 营销计划, 用户研究, 商业模式, 产品设计, 产品营销, 产品框架, 创新, 产品的所有权, 产品发现, 医疗保健产品经理, 数字营销产品经理, iOS, 网络, 数字广告, 数字营销, 创业公司, 移动, 原型设计, 金融, 瀑布交付, 物联网(IoT), 媒体, 业务发展, 账户管理, 策略, RealtimeBoard, 虚拟现实(VR), 机器学习, Dropbox, 指导, 瀑布式方法



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