Carlos Molina del Rio, Product Manager in Alcobendas, Spain
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Carlos Molina del Rio

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Alcobendas, Spain
Toptal Member Since
June 11, 2019

Carlos has more than 15 years leading and inspiring teams through conception, experimentation, technical development, and launch of next-generation products based on data and machine learning. He has a 360-degree view spanning tech, operations, marketing, customer relations, story telling, and global vision to drive product innovation.

Project Highlights

Martech and Adtech Business
LUCA Store
LIVE Fantasy Manager
领导产品从构思到商业发布,与三个体育B2B客户(Diario as和NBA)合作.


Work Experience

Head of Product | Data Innovation

2015 - PRESENT
  • 担任数据创新部门的首席产品官,利用机器学习和人工智能构建市场技术和广告技术产品. Created new B2B business for Telefonica based on data around Movistar users. Utilized strong skills in four key competencies: team development, product vision, execution, and product culture.
  • 为Telefonica定义MarTech愿景和执行计划(基于推荐服务),成为最高管理层议程的一部分. Achieved 50% increase in revenues expected from the first-year plan.
  • 基于电子商务客户体验的个性化,创建了多个产品组合, digital newspapers, online-offline behavior, ads attribution, and multi-channel customer experience.
  • Ideated, built, 并推出了一款新的SAAS预测产品,通过基于Movistar用户在线导航(意图)的机器学习来提高电子商务(零售和媒体)的转化率, interests, and profile). GDPR compliance with x7 improvements on clicks conversion rate.
  • Empowered three squads led by senior and junior PM across martech and adtech. 我们的团队由后端和前端开发人员、UX、数据科学、QA和DevOps组成. 领导Telefonica产品经理社区和PM重点项目,为Telefonica现有和潜在的PM定义和执行培训.
  • Supported team development in areas such as recruiting, training and ongoing coaching for developers, data science, product managers, UX roles and business developers.

CEO & CPO (Founder)

2013 - 2015
89 Bits Entertainment Studio
  • Defined and launched strategic product vision for a mobile video game concept. Outlined business plan for product design, 从Wayra(拉丁美洲创业加速器)那里获得了资金,并招募了一个9人的优秀创意团队来设计和推出产品. 指导设计和管理关键游戏功能,以进一步推进整体战略产品愿景, including maximizing acquisition, engagement, and monetization. Secured NBA, F1 Movistar, and Diario AS key partnerships.
  • Boosted onboarding funnel for B2C users from 20%, post 1st video game launch, to 80% after 6th video game launch.
  • 通过利用第一款F1游戏的见解来推动第二款产品的战略,推动客户参与, which delivered retention KPIs of 32%, 14%, 5.5%, 2.8%, exceeding industry standard by x2.
  • Selected as the first Spanish company to be accelerated by Appcampus. Awarded a €50,获得Appcampus 2000万美元的资助,并被《欧博体育app下载》评为西班牙20强创新创业公司之一.
  • Won best B2C Windows app at the 2014 EU Appcup.

Senior Product Manager

2007 - 2013
  • 在最近成立的电子健康数字服务部门,晋升为领导新的全球远程医疗解决方案的产品管理战略. 制定全球商业计划,管理50万欧元的产品生命周期管理预算. Developed marketing plan, managed product roadmap and led successful product launches in Spain, Brazil, Argentina, and the UK. 定义了引人注目的价值主张和商业案例,从而与思科和英特尔建立了全球合作伙伴关系.
  • Created product roadmap and deployed remote patient monitoring service in Latin America; 1st customer trial executed successfully with a Brazilian customer in 2012 (>500 patients); expanded service to Argentina and Chile markets.
  • Doubled Tele-rehab product business, now averaging 40% YOY growth, 通过确保与主要客户的领先交易,并与西班牙的两个专业康复社区(SERMEF和AEFI)合作,加强产品质量.
  • 在巴西推出了新的孕妇产品概念,从概念到产品交付, UK, and Spain, driving €250,000 in revenue in Brasil in the first year.

Multimedia Engineer

2005 - 2007
  • Brought on board to contribute to internet and multimedia R&D为Telefonica内部的创新项目,包括测试结合爱立信和TID技术的3D视频会议系统, 为公司创新项目提供视频会议技术方面的技术投入, and contributing to European-funded 3D tele-immersion R&D proposals.

Martech and Adtech Business


Main responsibilities:

了解B2B客户需求(市场科技和广告科技行业),在客户需求之间找到合适的位置, competitors proposition, and Telefonica assets.


向所有相关的内部和外部利益相关者沟通和宣传战略,从概念想法到P&L management.

执行计划:根据发现的客户需求构建由三个不同产品组成的套件, managing two PMs.

交付运营计划:实现包括市场份额在内的增长目标, revenue, 所有渠道/业务类别和/或关键客户的利润和投资回报率(客户参考).

Built a team from 3 people to 25 with different profiles (backend & frontend devs, data engineers, data sciences, UX, QA PMs, and business development) organized in three squads.

LUCA Store


Main responsibilities:

Understood physical retailers’ challenges regarding visitor’s vs buyer’s behavior.

建立一个利用TEF数据的价值主张,解决实体零售商的挑战,能够改善砖& mortar business KPI’s within each store:
- Conversion per profile (age, Zip code, gender)
- Conversion per product category


Secured 4 high-profile customers (Nike, Loewe, FC Barcelona, La Vaguada), producing €200,000+ in recurrent revenues during the first year.

- Ideation: Discover the main customer needs
- Prototype: Test different quick solution to find insights, validation hypothesis, and initial traction
- 测试版:以可扩展的方式构建功能/产品,满足在原型中测试过的客户需求
- Product: Manager an E2E P&L based on the product
More info:

将创新创造的业务转移到业务单元(价值支柱), go-to-market, product and team, operations).

LIVE Fantasy Manager

领导产品从构思到商业发布,与三个体育B2B客户(Diario as和NBA)合作.

Main responsibilities:

Defined and launched strategic product vision for a mobile video game concept. 指导设计和管理关键游戏功能,以进一步推进整体战略产品愿景, including maximizing acquisition, engagement, and monetization.

Secured NBA, F1 Movistar, and Diario AS key partnerships.

招募了一个9人的优秀创意团队来设计和发布产品(后端和前端开发), gameplay designers, QA, UX).

Created a community of users around the competition to foster engagement



制作并发行了一款电视伴侣游戏(游戏邦注:如比赛日),并获得了32%的成功用户粘性kpi,14%/5.5%/2.8% (1/7/30/90 days), exceeding industry standard by x2.5.

Boosted onboarding funnel for B2C users from 20%, post first video game launch, to 80% after 6th video game launch.

Awarded best B2C Windows app in Europe by Microsoft at the 2014 EU Appcup.
2010 - 2012

Executive Master's Degree in Business Administration

IESE - Madrid

2004 - 2006

Master's Degree in Computer Engineering

UPC - Universitat Politecnica de Cataluña - Barcelona, Spain


Product Manager Executive Education

University of California - Berkeley


Asana, Trello


Agile Product Management, Agile Workflow, Agile, Scrum, Kanban

Industry Expertise

Video Gaming, Healthcare


Marketing Technology (MarTech), Data, Product Management, Business Analysis, Requirements, Product Strategy, Product Roadmaps, Go-to-market Plans, User Research, Business Models, Product Design, Product Marketing, Product Frameworks, Innovation, Product Ownership, Product Discovery, Product Delivery, Software as a Service (SaaS), SaaS Product Management, Data Product Manager, Videos, SaaS, Enterprise SaaS, Machine Learning, Competitive Intelligence, Android, iOS, Hiring, P&L Management, Deep Learning, Product Evangelism, Startups, Startup Funding

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