作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
伊丽莎白一个. 安德森
验证专家 在项目管理方面
12 的经验

Elizabeth是一名认证Scrum大师和认证产品负责人,在敏捷项目管理方面拥有超过十年的经验. She has built 和 supported a variety of software products, including a complex IoT yacht security monitoring system with hardware, 移动, 网络应用程序, 和 a 移动 e-commerce platform for industrial metals company O’Neal Steel.


我没打算成为一名 产品负责人. 几年前, 我作为项目经理工作的公司经历了一轮裁员,并开始将产品负责人的职责分配给其他人 项目经理. This isn’t ideal—but in speaking with colleagues since then, I’ve realized this role commingling is incredibly common. 因为 长期人员短缺, 产品负责人 tasks get assigned to anyone capable of performing them; budget constraints may cause a company to hire one person to perform the roles of both a project manager 和 产品负责人; or hiring managers may simply be more interested in acquiring talent than assigning accurate job titles.

幸运的是, the duties of a 产品负责人—such as advocating for the customer, 编写用户故事, 创建文档, 和 确定待办事项的优先级—aren’t wildly outside the bounds of most 项目经理’ abilities. While the main goals of 项目经理 和 产品负责人 may be different, the 技能 required to achieve them overlap in many ways.

作为项目经理, 你可能很快就会发现自己被要求履行产品负责人的职责. You may even aspire to officially move into a full-time 产品负责人角色,就像我一样。. This guide will help you excel in cross-role assignments 和 bring a broader 了解项目和产品 到你现在的工作.

产品负责人vs. Project Manager: Underst和ing the Different Roles

项目经理 职责范围很广. 他们组建开发团队,指导和指导团队成员,并解决障碍. 虽然这是一个多方面的角色, 当项目经理设定最后期限时, 监测进展, 和 估计成本, they are acting as an advocate for the company, making sure a project stays on schedule 和 on budget.

产品负责人, 另一方面, 是客户的拥护者——他们确保开发人员知道客户想要什么, 即使顾客 不知道 然而,. 更具体地说, 产品负责人职责 include developing 和 communicating 产品目标, 确定产品待办事项的优先级, communicating with stakeholders across the company, 预测客户需求.

A two-circle Venn diagram entitled The Project/产品 Overlap. 一个圈的标签是“项目经理”,副标题是“业务倡导者——在有限的时间和资源内工作”.另一个标签是“产品负责人”,副标题是“为客户倡导创造最大的产品价值”.” In the overlap are the phrases “Effective Communication,”“组织,”“解决冲突,和“授权”.”
Although the main goals of a project manager 和 产品负责人 are different, 这些工作需要重叠的技能.

It’s healthy to have a bit of friction between the goals of the project manager 和 the 产品负责人; having a separate advocate for each priority helps maintain a balance between the competing interests. 例如,项目经理可能想要削减产品的范围以保护时间轴. 但缩小的范围可能与 为客户创造价值.

当一个项目经理——专注于遵守进度和预算的约束——同时处理这两个角色时,就会产生自然的利益冲突. 如果你被要求这么做的话, 注意不要为了其他利益(时间和金钱)而忽略了一个重要利益(客户满意度)。.


即使项目经理和产品负责人是两个不同的工作,每个人都在自己的工作流程中, 我发现 技能 I’ve developed in one role have helped tremendously when I take on the other. Both project management 和 产品负责人hip require:

  • 有效的沟通. 这是项目管理和产品所有权的基石,因为这两个角色都需要与其他人进行广泛的互动, including the project team 和 external stakeholders.
  • 组织. 项目经理和产品所有者都应该能够管理相互竞争的优先级和需求, whether within a project or related to a product.
  • 解决冲突. It falls on both roles to resolve intrateam conflicts, as well as conflicts between the team 和 stakeholders. 项目经理 have to resolve conflicts with resource constraints, 而产品负责人必须能够解决有关产品价值的不同意见的冲突.
  • 代表团. 这两个角色都应该善于平衡他们团队的任务和责任,以更高的效率完成工作.

Building effective cross-role talents can be a tremendous boon for 项目管理顾问 moving back 和 forth between several positions, people looking to make a full career transition into a product role, 或者项目经理只是想这么做 提升他们的表现.

If you find yourself being asked to function as a 产品负责人 in your current role, you can start to perform the basic responsibilities of that role by:

  • 发展和沟通 产品目标.
  • 优先考虑的 产品待办事项列表 对于开发团队.
  • Creating user stories (or making sure the creation is delegated to others).
  • 收集和澄清 需求.
  • 编写文档.
  • Working with the development 和 UX teams to ensure 需求 are clear.

在一起, 这些能力帮助团队理解客户需求,并交付具有最大价值的产品.


The 技能 detailed in the table below are essential for a 产品负责人 to cultivate. 它们还可以通过设定更现实的目标和任务估算,帮助你作为项目经理做得更好, prioritizing the highest-value features earlier in the project, 和 identifying risk factors before they become a problem. 一个人掌握这些技能的程度是区分一个好的产品负责人和一个伟大的产品负责人的标准.

讲故事- Turns user stories into a backlog 对于开发团队.-全面了解解决方案的整个背景,并将其传达给团队.

- Makes the “why” behind product decisions clear, 因此,团队可以了解该做什么以及如何创建任何给定功能的最佳版本.
预测客户需求- Delivers a product that meets customers’ requests.- Identifies solutions to problems that the customer didn’t 然而, know they had.

知道什么时候说不—为产品添加特性.-筛选出与产品愿景不一致或可能产生负面影响的功能, 比如延长开发努力.

- Says no to features that are unethical or illegal, 和 offers viable alternatives without being discouraging or rude.


作为项目管理专业人员, 你应该了解产品负责人的目的和独特技能,这样你才能更有效地完成当前的工作,或者准备过渡到一个新的工作. 在职培训通常是最好的, 但是为了在你的技能之旅上有一个快速的开始, 参加产品负责人课程 智囊团咨询集团, , or Scrum.org——或者考虑考取证书. Certifications not only help you underst和 a 产品负责人角色, 它们也可以证明你有能力在升职或新工作机会的情况下完成它. 招聘经理更喜欢两种特殊的产品所有者证书 最频繁 在与scrum相关的招聘信息中:

  • 认证Scrum产品负责人(CSPO): This certification requires attendance in a two-day course but has no test. It is maintained via education units 和 must be renewed every two years.

  • Professional Scrum 产品 Owner (PSPO I, PSPO II, PSPO III): While this certification does not require attendance in a course, 更新, 或换发新证, it does require c和idates to pass a lengthy assessment. The three levels of this certification represent increasing degrees of mastery.

The logos for CSPO 和 PSPO I certifications. CSPO的标识是“出现在2”,630 job postings” 和 the PSPO I logo is labeled “Appears in 520 job postings.” There is a source line that says “Job postings as of May 2022, per Coursera.
在线培训服务Coursera会定期跟踪雇主最希望获得的Scrum认证. The numbers above reflect their totals as of May 2022.

Whether you saw 产品负责人hip in your future or not, 在你的项目管理生涯中,你可能会被要求履行其中一个的职责. 丁字形的技能 are in dem和 for a reason—the ability to work 的跨专业 can help you get ahead in the workplace 和 in your career, whether you’re a full-time employee or an independent contractor.


  • 产品负责人的角色是什么?

    A 产品负责人 develops 和 communicates product goals, 确定待办事项的优先级, 创建用户场景, 收集需求, 写文档, 在团队中充当客户的代言人,交付具有最大价值的产品.

  • 谁通常是产品负责人?

    在理想的情况下, the 产品负责人 will be hired specifically for a role, rather than have the duties assigned to an employee with another title. 产品负责人 usually appear in an 敏捷 framework, serving on the Scrum team alongside the Scrum master 和 development team.

  • 需要产品负责人吗?

    是的. 近年来,Scrum和敏捷的采用率持续上升——在第15次敏捷状态报告中,超过90%的受访者表示他们的公司在实践敏捷——世界经济论坛将产品负责人确定为第1位. 1个产品开发方面的新兴职位.

伊丽莎白一个. 安德森

伊丽莎白一个. 安德森

验证专家 在项目管理方面
12 的经验




Elizabeth是一名认证Scrum大师和认证产品负责人,在敏捷项目管理方面拥有超过十年的经验. She has built 和 supported a variety of software products, including a complex IoT yacht security monitoring system with hardware, 移动, 网络应用程序, 和 a 移动 e-commerce platform for industrial metals company O’Neal Steel.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.


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