Diyala Erekat,土耳其安卡拉的开发者
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Diyala Erekat

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Ankara, Turkey
October 26, 2018

Diyala是一名自我激励的软件开发人员,拥有硕士学位. 在计算机视觉和情感计算方面, with +5 years of experience working as a full-stack engineer on multiple projects. 她与工程师合作, product management, 以及设计团队的设计, develop, test, 并部署全栈, 敏捷冲刺中的端到端特性. Diyala is experienced with React and React Native and integrating them into the back end through building or consuming internal/external APIs.


Tend FinTech
Python, React, Angular, GraphQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microservices, REST...
Freelance Work
Cloud Firestore, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Node.. js, Django REST框架...
SciPy, Pandas, NumPy, Python, PyTorch,计算机视觉,机器学习...





Unix, Git

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on is building a framework that estimates the pain intensity a person is feeling using facial cues from the video footage.

Work Experience


2020 - PRESENT
Tend FinTech
  • 负责迁移遗留节点.js单体后端到Python微服务.
  • Managed the migration of a legacy Angular front-end monolith to React micro-front end, 这带来了更好的可扩展性, maintainability, and efficiency.
  • Worked on a "no-code app" project that aimed to implement builders in charge of creating dynamic React components given a schema provided from the back end that minimizes the need to submit an app to the Apple Store and Google Play for each change.
  • Participated in code reviews and an on-call rotation as an on-call engineer.
Technologies: Python, React, Angular, GraphQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microservices, REST, Node.. js、Docker、看板、MongoDB、Flask、PostgreSQL、TypeScript、api


2017 - PRESENT
Freelance Work
  • 构建可重用组件, 维护它们以备将来使用, 并优化它们以获得最佳性能.
  • 使用React开发新的面向用户的功能, React Native, and Redux; also integrated them with the server-side logic (Django, Node.js).
  • 与产品经理合作, designers, and engineers to build new features and optimize the existing ones while also fixing bugs.
  • 在敏捷冲刺中计划、组织和完成工作.
  • Created, maintained, integrated, 并管理流行的数据库,如PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and NoSQL.
  • Wrote comprehensive unit, integration, and automation tests to improve quality.
  • 展示了我使用版本控制系统(Git)的经验.
技术:Cloud Firestore、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Node.. js, Django REST框架, Django, Enzyme, React Native, React, TypeScript


2018 - 2021
  • 独立完成多个实验, recording, analyzing, 解释这些发现.
  • Undertook research on the field of affective computing by researching and applying suitable off-shelf solutions.
  • Improved and added on certain algorithms by implementing new approaches and algorithms to the problem.
  • 处理、清理和验证用于分析的数据的完整性.
技术:SciPy, Pandas, NumPy, Python, PyTorch,计算机视觉,机器学习, Data Analysis, Data Cleaning, Deep Learning

Teaching Assistant

2018 - 2021
  • 有效地指导和指导新生, sophomore, junior, 以及Python和Java实验室的高年级学生.
  • 提供反馈以改进编程技术和效率.
  • Evaluated and graded students' assignments and coursework, along with proctoring examinations.


2019 - 2020
  • Built, designed, 并使用React维护面向用户的功能, React Native(带TypeScript), and Redux, 加上积分, 使用Hooks和RxJS, 使用服务器端逻辑.
  • 使用Node设计和构建健壮且可维护的后端服务.js、Python和GraphQL.
  • 与管理或开发团队商议需求的优先次序, resolve conflicts, 制定内容标准, 或者选择解决方案.
  • 展示了我在Git、AWS、Firebase和敏捷开发方面的经验.
  • 与不同时区的不同团队进行远程工作.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Git、Firebase、NoSQL、SQL、Node.js, Flask, Python, GraphQL, RxJS, React Native, React, Docker, Material UI, HTML5


2018 - 2019
  • Built, maintained, 并使用React设计面向用户的功能, React Native(带TypeScript), and Redux, 以及使用Hooks和RxJS与服务器端逻辑集成它.
  • 使用Node设计和构建健壮且可维护的后端服务.js、Python和GraphQL.
  • 与不同时区的不同团队进行远程工作.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), CircleCI, Git, Firebase, Python, Node.js, RxJS, React Native, React, Docker, Material UI, SCSS, CSS, HTML5, APIs, REST, Django


2017 - 2017
  • Developed, tested, documented, 并发布了全栈, end-to-end features for Udemy's web application that supports over 20 million students worldwide and 80,000 courses.
  • Worked with graphic designers to convert designs into visual elements using React and MobX and integrated them with Django's server-side logic.
  • 与产品经理合作 and engineers to implement the agreed-up solutions.
  • Wrote tests, including back and front-end unit and integration tests for delivery on behalf of the QA team.
  • 参与代码审查, design discussions, 功能开发, solutions, 以及部署后的现场监控.
技术:酶,Django REST框架,Django, MobX, React


2016 - 2016
  • Conducted user research to identify features and widgets that met the platform users' needs.
  • Built and deployed a customized solution based on the research for the core product.
  • 将web应用程序与JotForm的外部api集成.
  • Developed the front end (HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery) and the back end (PHP).
  • 协助技术和非技术用户解决问题.
技术:PHP, React


This is a visual search tool for clothing pieces that would go well together based on a deep learning model (CNN; VGG16 and ResNet 50). 它是用收集到的可能的服装组合数据集进行训练的.

The system expects a clothing piece query from its customer who wishes to find the best possible clothing piece that goes well with it as an input and as an output, the system is to generate a list of the possible clothing combinations with each query piece based on the trained model.

Wisdom Academy

这是一个使用JavaScript、PHP和Oracle构建的web应用程序. It's geared towards elementary schools that need a reliable communication system with its students’ parents/legal guardians. It gives the school and teachers the ability to send announcements and reports to the parents regarding their children's education; it also is an app through which the parents can communicate with the school to question/inform about a matter.


DigiNote is a document-scanning application that takes any document image as an input and then processes the image by detecting the corners of the document automatically using a combination of text detection techniques and the Hough transform. 如果失败,它会让用户手动检测它们. After that, then three different filters are applied—black and white (Bradley adaptive thresholding), grayscale, 点亮(使用平均值)——所需的结果将被保存并显示. 它是用MATLAB编写的.

Dr. Strange

Dr. Strange, 一个基于心理的聊天机器人, falls in the closed-domain question-answering discipline within natural language processing. It is a hybrid as it uses both regular expressions to build rules along with deep learning algorithms.

It is also designed to carry on 15-minute-long conversations with a user and automatically generates responses to questions or phrases (in a style similar to a psychotherapist during a session). 在谈话结束时, 如果检测到精神健康问题,则创建患者档案, 它会生成一条警告信息,建议用户立即寻求帮助.
2018 - 2021



2014 - 2018




React, Node.. js, PyTorch, React Redux, React Router, MobX, RxJS, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy


GitHub, Git, IntelliJ IDEA, CircleCI, Jira


GraphQL, Python, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Java, TypeScript, HTML5, SCSS, CSS


Flask, React Native, Django REST框架,Django, Angular, Material UI


Scrum, Testing, E2E Testing, Unit Testing, Data Science, Microservices, Kanban, REST


Web, Unix, Windows, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Firebase, Android, Docker


PostgreSQL, MySQL, Cloud Firestore, NoSQL, MongoDB


Enzyme, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Analysis, Data Cleaning, Deep Learning, APIs



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