Khalil Kafrouni, Developer in Larnaca, Cyprus
Khalil is available for hire
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Khalil Kafrouni

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Data Scientist and Developer

Larnaca, Cyprus
Toptal Member Since
September 16, 2020

Khalil是一名数据科学家和分析师,拥有五年的经验,对发现数据中隐藏的模式有着敏锐的眼光. Specializing in mathematical modeling and business intelligence, he is highly skilled in statistical analysis, predictive analytics, Python, SQL, and visualization tools. Khalil has helped companies reduce marketing costs, increase ROIs, predict customer lifetime values, increase conversions and retention, and reduce fraud.


AMN Healthcare - Main
Conversion Squared
SQL, Marketing Analytics, Reporting, SaaS, eCommerce...




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Tableau, Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Data Reporting Manager

2022 - PRESENT
AMN Healthcare - Main
  • Led the design, development, 持续维护关键数据仪表板,提供实时洞察,支持数千家医院和医疗机构的决策.
  • Built and optimized the ETL that fed data into the dashboards, resulting in major speed and data accuracy improvements.
  • Managed a user base of over 12,000 individuals successfully, 提供支持以确保报告工具的有效利用.
Technologies: 感知,数据科学,数据报告,商业智能报告,数据可视化, Data Analytics, PostgreSQL, SQL, ETL, Dashboards, Reports, Data Pipelines, Metrics, CSV

Data Scientist | Analyst

2019 - PRESENT
Conversion Squared
  • 通过分析客户终身价值和使用概率模型来预测哪些营销活动不会收支平衡,将公司的营销成本降低了30%.
  • 通过分析用户数据模式,提出新的付费计划,提高转化率和留存率,投资回报率提高了13%.
  • Eliminated more than 20,在对他们的行为数据进行统计分析并建立了欺诈检测框架后,他们获得了5000个欺诈档案.
Technologies: SQL, Marketing Analytics, Reporting, SaaS, eCommerce, Business Intelligence (BI), Mathematical Modeling, Predictive Analytics, Data Science, Customer Lifetime Value, Revenue Analysis, Fraud Investigation, Product Analytics, Sisense, Python, Statistics, Numerical Analysis, ETL, Pandas, NumPy, Spark, Dashboards, Reports, Data Pipelines, Metrics, CSV, MySQL, Digital Marketing, Bayesian Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, Causal Inference

Data Scientist

2017 - PRESENT
  • 通过收集和分析在线眼镜商店的数据,为当地一家眼镜零售商减少了15%的采购成本.
  • 建立了一个web scraper来跟踪和分析罐头食品价格在货币贬值方面的日常变化, 在金融危机时期,它被用来对通胀进行持续估计.
  • Developed a model that calculates new user conversion probability. 客户利用该模式降低营销成本,将精力集中在具有较高转化概率的用户身上.
Technologies: 营销分析、报告、电子商务、商业智能(BI), Mathematical Modeling, Predictive Analytics, Data Science, Market Research, Presentations, Microsoft Excel, Python, Numerical Analysis, Data Aggregation, Web Scraping, Pandas, NumPy, Dashboards, Reports, Data Pipelines, Metrics, CSV, MySQL, Digital Marketing, Bayesian Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, Causal Inference

Data Scientist

2021 - 2022
  • Engineered a robust tournament reward algorithm, 平衡硬币分配给赢家,以确保可持续的游戏/赌博公司利润率.
  • Leveraged analytical skills to assess and fine-tune the algorithm, 确保公司利润和用户满意度之间的战略一致性, 为游戏/赌博平台的整体成功做出贡献.
  • 对后台的计算实现了各种优化,使其无缝运行,对用户体验没有不利影响.
Technologies: Python, Pandas, Scala, Reports, Data Pipelines, Metrics, CSV, MySQL, Digital Marketing, Bayesian Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, Causal Inference

Data Reporting Expert (Sisense)

2021 - 2022
AMN Healthcare
  • 开发面向客户的分析仪表板,使医疗保健机构能够监控其医疗服务提供者名册, keep an eye on any soon-to-expire documents, and keep track of insurance requirements.
  • 构建了为操作的商业智能端提供支持的数据模型.
  • Administered the company's BI implementation in Sisense.
Technologies: Sisense, PostgreSQL, SQL, ETL, Reporting, Pandas, Dashboards, Data Pipelines, Metrics, CSV

Data Scientist

2020 - 2022
  • 开发统计模型来识别表现不佳的电子邮件活动并消除它们, 使公司在不影响收入的情况下实现电子邮件量减少10%.
  • 构建报告仪表板,每天监控公司的kpi,以及为其提供支持的SQL数据模型.
  • 开发了统计模拟来测试公司的实体解析算法.
Technologies: Data Science, Machine Learning, Python, Data Visualization, eCommerce, Reporting, Statistics, Metabase, BigQuery, Pandas, NumPy, Reports, Metrics, CSV, Excel 365, Digital Marketing, Bayesian Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, Causal Inference

Marketing Analyst

2017 - 2017
Roadie Music
  • 通过分析营销数据集和识别表现不佳的渠道,增加客户拓展并降低营销成本.
  • 通过分析营销博客文章的发布时间,减少营销效率低下,并集中精力在最有效的时间.
  • 在分析了用户应用行为并发现意外人口统计数据之间的差异后,建议进行更细粒度的市场细分.
Technologies: 营销分析、报告、电子商务、商业智能(BI), Mathematical Modeling, Data Science, Google Analytics, Presentations, Statistics, MATLAB, Microsoft Excel, Pandas, Dashboards, Reports, Metrics, Excel 365, Digital Marketing, Exploratory Data Analysis

Algorithmic Trading

Researched and deployed several successful trading strategies. 这些策略在一系列广泛的金融工具上采用动量和均值回归方法, including stocks, futures, and cryptocurrencies.

Lifetime Value Prediction for a Subscription-based Business

一个基于python的模型,预测未来(最多16个月)每月用户群体的经常性收入,这些用户有不同的支付计划和定价方案. 这种实现被用来判断不同的营销活动,并获得网站用户终身价值的最新估计.

Customer Conversion Prediction for Online Freemium-model Businesses


该模型用于识别最有可能进行交易的用户, so more incentives can be directed toward them, and those who are least likely to transact, 因此,营销工作可以针对其他可能最终转换的用户.

Email Volume Optimizer

我曾与一家代表B2B客户发送营销电子邮件的公司合作. 我开发了一个预测模型,使他们能够预测每个客户需要的电子邮件数量,并将其与每个客户的盈利能力联系起来. 这使他们能够优化他们的发送配额,并在不损失收入的情况下保持健康的垃圾邮件得分.


SQL, Python, C++, Scala


NumPy, Pandas


Jupyter, Tableau, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power BI, MATLAB, Mathematica, Sisense, Google Analytics, BigQuery




Jupyter Notebook, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


Data Pipelines, MySQL, PostgreSQL


Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Modeling, Reporting, Marketing Analytics, Product Analytics, Presentations, SaaS, Recurring Revenue Modeling, Predictive Analytics, Dashboards, eCommerce, Data Reporting, BI Reporting, Reports, Metrics, CSV, Digital Marketing, Exploratory Data Analysis, Statistics, Revenue Analysis, Web Scraping, Probability Theory, Machine Learning, Customer Lifetime Value, A/B Testing, Excel 365, Bayesian Statistics, Causal Inference, Fraud Investigation, Data Aggregation, Market Research, Predictive Modeling, Decision Trees, Data Visualization, Metabase, Data Analytics, Quantitative Finance, Stock Trading, Financial Risk Management, Finance, Finance APIs, Trading



2014 - 2018

Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering

American University of Beirut - Beirut, Lebanon

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